Command Prompt in Color (MS DOS in Color)


We are working in command promt/msdos. But the color of command prompt is seen as white letters in black background.
Are you getting boar with command prompts black color ??
If yes you can change the color of command prompt and you can convert it to a colour ful view. Here is the way
Just open command prompt/MS DOS

---Start Run------Type cmd—Then press OK (This will open command prompt)
---Then type color z
---This will list out the various colors and their codes example 0=Black,1= Blue
--- For changing the color just type color 1
Then the font color changes to blue
If you want to change the back ground color just type color 10

If you want to change the title of the command prompt you can do it by just typing the following
Check the title of command prompt

Author: verified_user


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