World Amazing Facts..

● World population in 2011 – 6,988 million (3,523 million males and 3,465 million females)
● World population under 30 in 2011 – 3,649 million
● World population over 60 in 2011 – 785 million
● World population over 100 in 2011 – 532,000
● Number of births worldwide every day – 378,000
● Number of deaths worldwide everyday – 162,000
● World economic growth rate in 2010 – 5.0% (-0.6% in 2009)

● Number of illiterate adults – 796 million
● Number of unemployed people – 205 million
● Average world life expectancy – 70.8 years for females; 66.4 years for males
● Annual world population increase – 79.33 million people
● Number of people living outside country of birth – 214 million, or more than 3% of the world’s population
● Fertility rate – 2.5 births per woman
● Urban population – 50.5% of total population
● World trade in 2009 – US $ 25.2 billion
● Annual world defence expenditure – US $ 1,630 billion
● Number of TV sets – 1.4 billion
● Number of radio receivers – 2.2 billion
● Number of cigarettes smoked – 5,600 billietica, sans-serif; font-size: xx-small;">padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px;" />● Number of internet users – 2.0 billion
● Number of mobile phone users – 4.7 billion
● Number of motor vehicles on the road – 790 million
● Number of people who cross international borders every day – 2 million
● Number of people living in extreme poverty – 1.4 billion
● – 828 million

● Number of undernourished people – 925 million
● Number of overweight adults – 1.6 billion
● Number of obese adults – 502 million
● Number of people dying of starvation – 24,000 every day
● Number of people lacking clean water – 1.1 billion
● Number of people lacking basic sanitation – 2.6 billion
● Number of recorded executions in 2008 – 2,390
● Number of people worldwide exposed to indoor 
air pollution that exceeds WHO guidelines 
– 1 billion
● Annual carbon dioxide emissions – 7.7 billion tonnes of carbon equivalent

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Author: verified_user


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