MCA SEM-1 JAN-2014 EXAM TIME TABLE (Enter Region Code=09 and center code = 0940D From IGNOU WEBSITE
SCRIPTING LANGUAGE- java script (MCSL-016)
Write HTML code to develop a Web page having the background in red and title “My First Page” in any other colour.
SESSION 1 EX-2 :Create an HTML document giving details of your name, age, telephone number, address, TLC code & enrolment number aligned in proper order.
SESSION 1 EX-3 : Write an HTML code to design a page containing text, in form of paragraphs giving suitable heading style.
SESSION 2 EX-1 : Create a page to show different attributes of Font tag.
SESSION 2 EX-2 : Create a page to show different attributes: italics, bold, underline.
SESSION 2 EX-3 :Design a page having background colour yellow, giving text colour red and using all the attributes of font tab.
SESSION 3 EX-1 : Write an HTML code to create a Web page of blue color and display links in red colour.
SESSION 3 EX-2 : Write an HTML code to create a Web page that contains an image at its center.
SESSION 3 EX-3 : Create a Web page with appropriate content and insert an image towards the left hand side of the page. When user clicks on the image, it should open another Web page.
SESSION 4 EX-1 : Create a Web page using href attribute of anchor tag & the attribute: alink, vlink
SESSION 4 EX-2 : Create a Web page, wherein when the user clicks on the link it should go to the bottom of the page.
SESSION 4 EX-3 : Write HTML code to create a Web page of pink colour and display a moving message in red colour.
SESSION 5 EX-1 : Create a Web page, showing an ordered list of the names of five of your friends.
SESSION 5 EX-2 : Create an HTML document containing a nested list showing the content page of any book
SESSION 5 EX-3 : Create a web page, showing an unordered list of names of five of your friends.
SESSION 6 EX-1 : Create a Web page, which should contain a table having two rows and two columns.
SESSION 6 EX-2 : Fill in some dummy data in the table created by you in question 1 of this session.
ESSION 6 EX-3 : Create the following table in HTML with Dummy Data
ESSION 7 EX-1 : Create the following table
ESSION 7 EX-2 :Design an HTML Page having 3 images placed in the following format.
SESSION 7 EX-3 : Write HTML code to generate the following output:
SESSION 9 EX-2 : Write HTML code to generate the following output:
SESSION 2 EX-1 : Write an HTML code to develop a Web page having two frames that divide the Web page into two equal rows.
SESSION 2 EX-2 :Write an HTML code to develop a Webpage having two frames that divide the Web page into two equal rows and thendivide the second row into two equal columns
Blog doesn't support frames
SESSION 1 EX-2 : Embed JavaScript in HTML document asking user’s name and then printing Hello
SESSION 1 EX-3 : Create a dialogue box with “Welcome to my Website” message.
SESSION 2 EX-1 : Evaluate the expression:
SESSION 2 EX-2 : Write the segment of Script that would ask the user if he wants a greeting message and if he does, display a Gif file called Welcome .gif and display “Welcome to Netscape Navigator!” in the document window following the Gif
SESSION 2 EX-3 :Write the object definition for an object called car with four properties model, make, year & price.
SESSION 3 EX-1 : Write a program to display a multiplication table.
SESSION 3 EX-2 : Write a code to create a scrolling text in a text box.
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Author: verified_user


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