Procedure to avoid the Duplicate COD Article


Simple Procedure to Receive the articles

Most of the Offices has received the COD articles with duplicate in Postman. so here i have shared procedure to Receive the COD articles without duplicate.


  • MM 7 Update 9 Up to dated 24.12.2013 should be installed.
  • R Net Communication 4.0 - Office Master Should be updated.


When COD article is Received to your Office, You just do the following to receive COD Booking data.
Postman 7.9 Registered Parcel Bag
  • Click Bag Receiving to Receive the COD Parcel Bag. 
Try to receive the Bag as Virtually instead of Physically. 
  •  Use Bag Opening Option to Open the COD Articles.
Before receive the COD articles you should ensure that Bag contains article type as COD.
  • To avoid Duplicate Entries 
 In-case COD bags does not received virtually then only you should receive and Open the COD Articles Physically.
If you receive the COD article Physically that is already received by virtual bag that will create duplicate in article type, so at the time of transfer COD to eCounter by Postman Module it gets doubled.  
  • Once Open the article as COD, Just Execute the R Net Communication.
The above procedure to enough to receive the COD article booking message from Central Server.

Request Resend:

If Article does not comes for Postman 7.9 (dated 24.12.13)  invoicing using the above procedure, you may try to give the request Once from Postman Supervisor.
Central Server will respond your request Min 30 Seconds to Max 3 Hours. Once you have requested COD booking data from Postman Supervisor you should execute R Net Communication frequently until receive the COD Article

Just for Info

  • Once article is received from Central server, article will disappear from Request resend option.
  • If Article number not available in Request Resend Menu
  1. It should be download into local database.
  2. Its surly will available in Postman 7.9 COD Post Sorting Menu.
  •  even not available in Post Sorting Menu. You should take up this issues to CEPT.

Never Try

Kindly never try to receive/open/request resend the same article again and again in Postman Module. It will leads to create the Duplicate entries at the time of article received to local database.

Thank's PoTools

Author: verified_user


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